
Anonymous Social Networks: Too Big To Succeed?

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With the very recent debut of a number of anonymous social networking apps and websites, a vigorous debate has begun about the perils and merits of anonymous digital venues.

Critics would have us believe that trolling, porn, and bullying are endemic to the experience, while boosters trumpet the importance of innovation, free speech, ... MORE

Banter Debuts An Anonymous Social Network On Mobile That Focuses On Interests, Not Confessions

TechCrunch › Sarah Perez

A new mobile app called Banter wants to build an anonymous social network on mobile by carving out ... MORE

Anonymous Social Networks

Social networks generally thrived on face time, belonging, and legacy. We enjoy recognition for the presentation of our character, recognizing others provides a sense of community, and our profile is a lasting record of our experience.

Recently, the idea of an ‘anonymous social network’ has emerged with several projects that complicate the ... MORE