People are so unbelievably annoying. I have this friend. But sometime they can be really frustrating
I like to talk about my relationship with my friend sometimes because.. who doesn’t like to talk about something nice their partner did/does for them?
anytime I mention anything nice my partner does, my friend will go into this laaarge rant about how much their ... MORE
I’m a 15 year old girl and I once again experienced street harassment.
The worst thing about it other than the fear you feel at the moment is the feeling of disgust and guilt it leaves you with.
It happened hours ago but I still feel so dirty and like I did something to deserve that.
I was just walking with my family
I didn’t do anything to ... MORE
I’m honestly at my ropes end right now with my girlfriend. I’m not even so sure if I want to continue this relationship because of how stressful it is and it just isn’t any good on my health. Perhaps that sounds a bit melodramatic, but I’ve had plenty of time for me to think about how I feel and I can say that the feeling is right. She and I have been ... MORE
dream of hotties masturbate to hotties and only want hotties and not you pisspoorpoofter
thursday the internet was down for 1 day telstra was saying it was a small fire. its not good enough service we are considering leaving the company now. you fucked up everything like you always do telstra lazy slobs. you don’t deserve customers and business like this. you deserve to be punished.
I spend all day everyday but a few each week studying online or masturbating because this turdfaced pisswoof bum stalker has not got the dick to face to face me for a show down or let me move on. police will get you pisshead. I need a love life that doesn’t include you pissmellowpot. what made you think you were good enough for me or that I would want some fat old bald ... MORE
sneek up behind when taking care of business…cowards and sick and they will eat their own vomit…………..just saying…ahhhh fuck off
26,000 sex assaults last year in the US military and that’s only what was reported. Basically that means that a lot of men enlisting are totally useless, ruined shells of humanity that should be euthanized, or at least sterilized and forcefully re-educated. Same goes for their parents.
There are ruined trash humans of every race and class. Wealthy latino trash. Middle ... MORE
Love the country, can’t stand the people. Well, lots of ’em. No country in the world has people who are so privileged and ignorant at the same time. We consume everything but knowledge and let corporations dictate our lives. From sanctimonious lefties to ‘independent’ conservatives, people in this country are just way too disconnected from the consequences ... MORE
I dont know why I allow myself to get sucked in to irrelevant friend’s ignorant arguments on FB, but I occasionally do. And it makes me fucking hate people. And Zimmerman is fucking guilty of killing Trayvon whether the bullshit FL/US justice system acquits him or not. And this country’s laws are built on racism. And your right to bear arms does not trump my right ... MORE