more bravery than i can comprehend…really i did my time…..i think my autum is going to be about giving myself a break, i dont know that i have had one in years….the world will always be crzy and i cant let it drag me there anymore…back when i cared it was unbearable…
All my liberal friends think it’s great we are over there messing with the government and my conservative friends don’t think we are doing enough. Maybe I need more libertarian friends because I just don’t get what this has got to do with us. Why should America care about it. I guess there’s plenty I don’t know, but when I watch the news they just ... MORE
I served in the army and did a tour in Afghanistan. Lost some good friends. Now I come back and can’t get a job cause some Mexicans who don’t speak english and don’t know shit have got all the jobs in town. And not just the shit jobs, but all the other jobs too. Lots of vets are homeless and I don’t think it’s right for immigrants to get jobs when ... MORE
The only thing worse than desperate conspiracy hobbyists are desperate mainstream apologists, or the kind of people that use the term ‘tin foil hat’ every time someone mentions anything not in their junior high school history book. Both are frightfully ignorant.
On our left we have an image of MLKIII shaking James Earl Ray’s hand. Why? Because the King ... MORE
Please welcome the new boss, same as the old boss.
And while I’m on the subject, how the hell can you participate in faux cannibalism (Catholic mass) as your central holy rite and think that’s not demented and perverted, and yet stand in judgment of gays, sexually active women, etc?