26,000 sex assaults last year in the US military and that’s only what was reported. Basically that means that a lot of men enlisting are totally useless, ruined shells of humanity that should be euthanized, or at least sterilized and forcefully re-educated. Same goes for their parents.
There are ruined trash humans of every race and class. Wealthy latino trash. Middle ... MORE
I was at the part the other day as was just wearing sweats with no shorts cause they were in the laundry. And you know how the sweats rub you and you get hard easy. So I was sitting at a bench with no one around and though I could rub one out. No problem, but just as I was about to finish I notice some gardeners across the street laughing their ass off at me. Got up and went ... MORE
So my boyfriend was out of town last weekend and an old fling called who just happened to be in town that weekend. Coincidence from heaven … or hell. My love life has been pretty flat for a while. My boyfriend has been working too much and hasn’t had the energy for really good sex. I admit it. I need lovin’ all the time.
I thought about it for a while. ... MORE