i aint a battlebot
gezzzzzzzzzz… really u come at me i shall defend myself…and my baack was covered…i aint stupid and people are crazy…lololi dont think all of them but the ones coming at me seem to be in need of thorazine gezzzzzz mostly i tht it was funny… i do think ummmm intimidation worked amazinly well stand my ground…they got a stick i have a bigger ones….really i own all the sticks….lmaoi do know my location is never set but there is some FUN in ownership…..i worked hard…love my fence so far and i am enjoying what i am doing……
but really at the end of the day peeps who come at me…answer to the authorities….handcuffs……gotta say thatès never happened before but it sure was idk amusing i guess….sereously a cat????? wtf and ummm if this continues to happen could u send some more in my age range and single….that would be nice…oh and nice and fun and smart …idk big stupid and rich has it’s charm…baaahhhhaaaaa….hummm mentor teacher protector < that was not my idea…voice of reason i suppose single interesing there was a time when i did not believe i could do this alone…i dont feel that way any
more…where hope dimmed faith grew….i aint stupid but ahhh when trouble arrives escape and or back up is there….i have faith i am on a journey intended just for me as each every one of us are…..astounding….makes me fearless…..
ummm my focus is more on what i want and what is available in my life….certainly has my attention……