
forsure i see my journey on many levels….mostly irelevant to my reality……wierdness i deal with it everyday….my big pic is very draining and i trry and not let it over whelm me…fortunately i am easily distracted….lolololol

idk it makes me happy to help peeps idk just who i am..i like to feel useful. accomplish something, anything some daze lololol trying be more selective or i pick my spots….i think we all have situations in our lives where idk no big deal for me anddddd makes a big difference in somebody elses.

ahhh some people never get a chance…and itès true…do not know how anybody could look down on them any different that your average failure…;) u think one could atleast be deeply greatful they werent dealt the same hand…better still…help…people have become soo isolated….i think everybody for different reasons i pray not mine. for me isolation feels like cage as…no other options…….probably not true more of every option available but i aint interested in any but where i am doing what i am doing…..i see my life as intereting, specially in happy mode…..occational gust of what did i do to deserve this but i know…nothing….just my journey…onward
